Wednesday, June 10, 2009

better late than never - 16 week belly pic

How far along? 16 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: – 2 pounds
Maternity clothes? i got *tons* of new mimi/a pea in the pod maternity clothes from mom for my birthday, so my wardrobe is set. thank you mommy!
Stretch marks? not yet.
Sleep: the snoogle has been chunked to the floor and i'm back to my regular old pillow... snoogles are good for lounging around with, but i can't sleep with the damn thing tangling me up anymore. it's not made for shorties.
Best moment this week: finding out we are having a son and a daughter. wow.
Movement: lots of rolls (i swear, they knew they were going to be on camera yesterday.)
Food cravings: fried pickles and orange gatorade.
Gender: we finally know! Sadie June & Jeffry Ryan.
What I miss: the infrequent peeing.... it's back to every few hours now.
What I’m looking forward to: registering this weekend!
Weekly wisdom: "throw your expectations out the window. then you won't have to worry about when the 'unexpected' happens." - dr. h (whom i work for)
Milestones: finding out the gender. i didn't cry when i first saw those two lines on the test.... didn't cry when i saw those two cute little sacs on ultrasound.... didn't cry when i saw those two little flickering heartbeats..... but bawled like a baby when the tech said, "you have a son and a daughter."


Mrs. Pink said...

Yay! TWINS!!!!

Mrs. Almonds Joy said...

I love your "milestone" entry. Your little darlings are going to be the cutest twins ever.

Lindsay said...

Now I want fried pickles! yum.

Melissa said...

i'm so excited it's boy & girl twins!!! ahh! idk why i think that's so cute!! i just love it! i can't wait to see what they look like! they'll be cute for sure! love your milestones entry! so excited!

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