can you believe it? i'm over halfway there. the more i think about it, the more i break out in a cold sweat. just kidding. well, maybe.
the twinks officially have nicknames this week. i have been adamant about jeffry being called "jeffry" and not "jeff junior", or "little jeff"..... just a peeve of mine. i want dad and son to have a distinction between the two - hence dad being called jeff and baby being called jeffry. make sense?
so, of course, my mom's side of the family has taken to calling jeffry "j.j.", just to irk me. and mom has stuck sadie with the nickname of "junebug"..... so, there you have it.
j.j. and junebug.
I just love your mom!!! Cute nicknames.
i think the nicknames are adorable, especially junebug! can you believe we are halfway there??
we could potentially be in the hospital at the same time!
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