Monday, August 31, 2009

28 week belly pics

How far along? 28 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: + 5.5 pounds
Stretch marks? none yet!
Sleep: better, as long as the central AC is on 69 and the window unit is going full blast at 68.
Best moment this week: my shower - now i just have more to organize and play with! =)
Movement: less kicks and punches and more rolling... they are running out of room.
Food cravings: apple juice
Labor signs: lots of contractions, but nothing progressive.
Belly Button: turning into a gross looking outie. and i'm getting that lovely dark colored ring around it too. =(
What I miss: being able to bend over and pick things up, put socks on, etc.
What I’m looking forward to: MFM appointment on Wednesday - another ultrasound!
Weekly Wisdom: nothing new to add.
Milestones: on thursday, we'll have 8 weeks left!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

these babies are so loved. =)

my shower was today, and i must admit, i am completely overwhelmed at the love and generosity that everyone has shown my two babes. we had about 30 people in attendance (including one surprise guest - you know who you are!), and had a great time socializing, eating, and celebrating jeffry and sadie's impending arrival. =)

my awesome cake from fairy dust cakes:

my awesome hostesses (and a pouty niece):

and here's the unpacked stuff.... i apologize for the cameraphone pics but i am so exhausted i didn't feel like hauling my 40D in to use it....

to everyone who attended, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

squee! bedding is here!!! (and some random stuff)

my purdy new diaper bag

cute but impractical burp cloths

jeffry's bunny and booties

sadie's bunny and booties

and their coming home outfits

Monday, August 24, 2009

27 week belly pics

How far along? 27 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: + 6 pounds
Stretch marks? none yet, but i'm getting a little religious with the cocoa butter.
Sleep: horrible! heartburn is killing me!
Best moment this week: seeing my lopsided belly. it looks like a crooked conehead. =)

Movement: all over the place. i think these two are playing dance dance revolution in there.
Food cravings: cocktail weenies with barbecue sauce.
Labor signs: lots of contractions, but nothing progressive.
Belly Button: turning into a gross looking outie.
What I miss: being totally heartburn free.
What I’m looking forward to: my shower on the 30th!
Weekly Wisdom: nothing new to add.
Milestones: 9 weeks left to go!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

26 week belly pic

11 weeks left! eeeeeek!

How far along? 26 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: i'm up 3 pounds total! woo hoo!
Stretch marks? i don't think there's any yet, but i'm sure they are on their way.
Sleep: not so hot. still up at least 2x/night to pee.
Best moment this week: finally settling on and buying crib bedding!
boy version:

and girl version:
Movement: mostly concentrated around my belly button, which is very sensitive. =(
Food cravings: apple juice.
Labor signs: contractions that get worse when i'm up walking or lifting things. time for jeff to start doing the grocery shopping and laundry. =)
Belly Button: still an innie, but it's definitely getting shallow, and the top part is starting to stick out. ew.
What I miss: being totally heartburn free.
What I’m looking forward to: my shower on the 30th!
Weekly Wisdom: nothing new to add.
Milestones: i've made it to under 100 days left!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

maternity pics!

major props to Melissa Cannon for doing these - she was my wedding photographer, and recently opened her new studio in Denham. if you're looking for someone to do newborn pics, kids, families, or boudoir, she is the person to go to! =)

Monday, August 10, 2009

it's 10:02 and i'm nesting. =)

yes, i have spent the last two hours folding itty-bitty baby clothes to put in their empty dresser. i started washing them all last week, and let me tell you, i am in love with baby Purex laundy detergent. every piece i picked up i had to sniff before i folded it, because they all just smell so lovely.
preemie boy drawer:
preemie girl drawer:
newborn boy drawer:
newborn girl drawer:
the women in my family are a tad bit obsessed with Feltman Bros.:
and the snuggly fleecy winter stuff:

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