How far along? 27 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: + 6 pounds
Total weight gain/loss: + 6 pounds
Stretch marks? none yet, but i'm getting a little religious with the cocoa butter.
Sleep: horrible! heartburn is killing me!
Best moment this week: seeing my lopsided belly. it looks like a crooked conehead. =)

Movement: all over the place. i think these two are playing dance dance revolution in there.
Food cravings: cocktail weenies with barbecue sauce.
Labor signs: lots of contractions, but nothing progressive.
Belly Button: turning into a gross looking outie.
What I miss: being totally heartburn free.
What I’m looking forward to: my shower on the 30th!
Weekly Wisdom: nothing new to add.
Milestones: 9 weeks left to go!
Milestones: 9 weeks left to go!
my belly looks exactly the same!! lopsided on the right
I love the lopsided belly picture!
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