How far along? 32 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: + 9 pounds
Total weight gain/loss: + 9 pounds
Stretch marks? sadly, yes.... i feel like my skin is going to just tear open. i can't see them yet, but i'm 99% sure they are on their way to making an appearance.
Sleep: horrible. i've gotten to where i'm waking on my own before my alarm goes off to take my 4am procardia dose.
Best moment this week: going to the dr. on wednesday and having no changes. yay!
Movement: they do not like me lying on my side. if i lay on my left side, jeffry starts kicking and wiggling because sadie's squishing him. vice versa if i lay on my right side.
Food cravings: apple juice.... which makes me sad, because i can't drink it anymore. makes my heartburn flare like mad.
Labor signs: contractions have lessened significantly since being home and on the procardia - thank god. still had the + fetal fibronectin, which makes me nervous, but we're just taking it one day at a time.
Food cravings: apple juice.... which makes me sad, because i can't drink it anymore. makes my heartburn flare like mad.
Labor signs: contractions have lessened significantly since being home and on the procardia - thank god. still had the + fetal fibronectin, which makes me nervous, but we're just taking it one day at a time.
Belly Button: more an outie than an innie now.
What I miss: getting in and out of the tub easily. i think i had my last soak in the tub last night... jeff had to come in and heave me out. it's shower city from now on.
What I’m looking forward to: actually meeting these two!
Weekly Wisdom: nothing new to add.
Milestones: 4 weeks and 3 days left!
Milestones: 4 weeks and 3 days left!
You look adorable!
so exciting! & you're the cutest pregnant woman i've ever seen! :)
So adorable. Can't wait to see them. Glad things slowed down for you!
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