We got in this AM from our first road trip *ever* with babies.... we ended up leaving half a day early because the hubs got sick. =( We left at about 10 last night and pulled in at home right at 330am. So, the kiddos were well-rested and slept the entire way home, while mommy and daddy crashed as soon as our feet hit the door. This morning was spent catching up on sleep and munching on Mary Lee donuts and chocolate milk..
I'm a 30-something mom to 3 year old boy/girl twins - Jeffry & Sadie. The take up all of my time, money, and sanity. I'm just raising my babies with my husband in the heart of Cajun Country amidst crawfish boils, the LSU Tigers and the word "y'all." Becoming an advocate for drunk driving victims after my brother was killed by a drunk driver on June 26, 2010.
Love your new favorite pic, too cute!
I also love CVS- I ran there after I read your post and got some diaper deals, sweet! :)
ooh, glad you got to save some too!
i didn't post about it, but i went to another cvs about 10 miles away and scored even more - spent $57 and saved $170.
i don't think i'll need to buy baby wipes for another six months..... i hope. =)
Ohh I love your new favorite too! Looks like it wont be too much longer before the spats begin.
yeah, they've just started fighting over the same toys. when they start stealing each other's noonoos, all hell will break loose.
Hey I'm stopping over from In Between Together, just saw your guest post! Your babies are adorable! What sweet little faces!
UGLY ASS kids.. Hope yall all die in a fire you nasty ginger! <3
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