How far along? 6 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: still down 2 pounds
Maternity clothes? i bought some cute scrub tops that have black stretchy sides (i’m modeling one above) – no one carries maternity scrubs, and they are ugly anyways, so i’m substituting.
Stretch marks? not yet
Sleep: i actually slept for thirteen hours last friday night and it felt wonderful.
Best moment this week: seeing heartbeats.
Movement: cramping is less, no movement yet.
Food cravings: it’s mostly been food aversions this week. =(
Gender: won’t know for a while
What I miss: not having nausea
What I am looking forward to: next ultrasound on friday
Weekly Wisdom: “don’t raise your arms above your head! you’ll strangle the babies!” – coworker, when i reached for a chart that was filed on the top shelf
Milestones: the sea bands are leaving permanent dents in my wrists… does that count?
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