How far along? 9 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: zero
Maternity clothes? bought a few new tops last weekend.
Stretch marks? not yet!
Sleep: much better since dr. d told me i could take unisom at night… helps immensely with the morning-noon-night sickness, too.
Best moment this week: there’s a twin mom in my office that i talk to on the phone all the time – she has twin girls. today she came in for the girls’ well check appointments and brought me two books on multiples, plus a super-sweet card. made me cry!
Movement: no movement yet.
Food cravings: popcorn indiana kettle corn.
Gender: i’m still predicting two boys. we’ve settled on a boy/girl name set, i’ve got a girl/girl proposal to run by Jeff, but we’re still butting heads about boy/boy names. If it’s two boys, Jeff insists on naming the first one born after him. I’m all about fairness, though, and don’t want one to have to ask us why he wasn’t named after daddy. I don’t know what we’re going to do about boy/boy names.
What I miss: being able to do stuff i normally do without having people holler at me! like lifting boxes, climbing on the kitchen counters to reach stuff up high, standing on chairs at wedding receptions, etc.
What I am looking forward to: my ultrasound next week, and becoming a “graduate” from the specialist. i’ve been kind of antsy having to wait two weeks between appointments now, and i know it will only be worse once i’m seeing my regular ob. i also can’t wait to hear the heartbeats on my doppler….. all i’ve heard so far is my own heartbeat and my lovely bowel sounds. =)
Weekly Wisdom: nothing new to add.
Milestones: a rapid decrease in morning-noon-night sickness.
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